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Letricija Linardić

Born in Rijeka, Croatia 1971.

Lives in Rijeka & works at Academy of Applied Arts University of Rijeka

Professor of Art

Printmaking Department


Ph.D. Social Sciences, Education in Visual Art, Pedagogy Faculty, Ljubljana

M.F.A. Printmaking, Academy of Visual Arts, Ljubljana 


M.A. Visual Culture, Pedagogical Faculty, Rijeka 




2019 - Full Professor / redoviti profesor

2013 - Associate Professor / izvanredni profesor

2007 - Assistant professor / docent

1999 - Assistant Professor / asistent



Grants & Awards

2012-  Croatia, Zagreb, 6th Croatian Prints Triennial, Special Jury Award

2003 - Monte Negro, Podgorica, 2nd Award by Ikona Gallery, Sv. Stefan

2000 - Croatia, Zagreb, 2nd Croatian Prints Triennial, Purchase Award

1997 - Croatia, Zagreb, 1st Croatian Prints Triennial, Special Jury Award

1996 - Korea, Seoul, 9th International miniature print exhibition, The Space Group of Korea – award diploma 



Artist's books

„Put u Rim“, authors: Mujičić Artnam, K.,  Linardić, L

promoted December, 2017

„Bršljan“, authors; Prtenjača, I., Linardić, L.

promoted December, 2017

„10 u 5“,  authors: Artists of Printmaking Department Academy of Applied Arts

promoted: 1 st June, 2011


“4”,  authors:  L. Linardić, T. Dabo, D.

Trogrlić; promoted: Kabinet no. 3 - Academy of Applied Arts, December, 2008


“III”,  authors: L. Linardić, T. Dabo, M. Kostelac; promoted: Kabinet no. 3 - Academy of Applied Arts, December, 2006


„2“, authors: L. Linardić, T. Dabo, J. Šikanja; promoted: Kabinet no. 3 - Academy of Applied Arts, December, 2005


“Kabinet 3”, authors: L.Linardić, T. Dabo, J. Butković, J. Šikanja; promoted: Kabinet no. 3 - Department of Visual Arts Faculty of Philosophy, December, 2004 


"Croatian young graphic artist" / “Mlade hrvatske grafičarke”,  11 authors, promoted:   Kabinet grafike HAZU Zagreb & Galerja Filodrammatica Rijeka, 2002.


“Hoc lapidis ictu percussus fuit crucifixus – 1296.”; 

5 students of visual art Department of Visual Arts Faculty of Philosophy, promoted: HKD Sušak, Rijeka, 1998



Solo exhibitions & Projects

2018 - Mali Lošinj, Lošinj Museum, Gallery Fritzi,Art Events 

2017 - Pula, Gallery MMC Luka, Starting Point

2016 - Split, Salon Galić, 

2015 - Imprints of Memories, project

2011 - Croatia, Rijeka, Indulgences, Gallery Kortil

2008 - Croatia, Rijeka, Security(in)security, Juraj Klović Gallery

2005 - Croatia, Rijeka, Mali salon, Geographic of the Body

2001 - Croatia, Rijeka, Josip Butković's atelier

2000 - Croatia, Zagreb, Department of Prints and Graphics, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts;

2000 - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tuzla, Tuzla’s Portrait Gallery

1996 - Croatia, Rijeka, Rijeka's Shop-windows, organized by Moderna Gallery Rijeka




Group Exibitions (selection)


1994 - Croatia, Vrsar, Montraker, International Student Summer Sculpting School

1995 - Bulgaria, Varna, VIII International Print Biennial, Art Gallery

1996 - Korea, Seoul, 9th International Miniature Print Exhibition, The Space Group of Korea

1997 - Macedonia, Bitola, International Triennial of Graphic Art, Institute, museum and gallery Bitola;

Slovenia , Ljubljana, 22nd International Biennial of Graphic Art, Modern Gallery;

Croatia, Zagreb, 1st Croatian Prints Triennial, Department of Prints and Graphics, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts;

Czech Republic, Prague, 3rd European Triennial of Non-traditional and Avantgarde Graphic, Mlada fronta Gallery;

Croatia, Rijeka, 1st International exhibition Ex Libris –Kortil Gallery, HKD Sušak

1998 - Hungary, Budapest, Contemporary Croatian Graphic Art, Pesti Vigado;

India, New Delhi, Contemporary Croatian Graphic Art, National Gallery;

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 3rd Annual Exhibition of International Contemporary Prints, Central Academy of Art;

Spain, Barcelona, Mini Print Internacional Cadaques, Taller Galeria Fort;

Poland, Raciborz, 2nd International Biennial, Muzeum Raciborza;

Czech Republic, Prague, 2nd International Triennial of Graphic Art Prague, Inter-kontakt-graphic´98, Labyrinth;

Czech Republic, Prague Old Town Hall, Summer Refectory of the Strahov Monastery

1999 - Italy, Biella, Premio internazionale Biella 1999 per l`incizione, Chiostro di S. Sebastiano;

Croatia, Rijeka, 2nd International Exhibition “Ex-libris”, Kortil Gallery, HKD Sušak

2000 - Egypt, Alexandria, Museum of Visual Arts, 20th Alexandria Biennial of Mediterranean Countries; Croatia, Zagreb, 22nd Croatian Prints Triennial, Art Pavilion

2001- Germany, Mainz, Contemporary Croatian Graphic Art, Rathaus, Galerie Mainz; Croatia,

Rab, 1st Prints Salon, Banova vila

2002 - Austria, Vienna, 1st Prints Salon, Die Kleine Galerie

2003 - Egypt, Cairo, 4th Triennial of Graphic Art, Palace of Arts; Croatia, Rijeka, 4th International Exhibition Ex-Libris, “Man and Fish”, Kortil Gallery

2004 - Sweden, Falun, Falutriennalen 2004, Prints from the Balkans, Dalarnas Museum; Oldenburg, (International Print Triennial Krakow), Stadtmuseum Oldenburg

2005 - Croatia, Rijeka, “Fraction Project ”, Kortil Gallery

2007 - Croatia, Osijek, 2nd Days of Croatian Graphic Art, Gallery of Visual Arts

2008 - Croatia, Rijeka, Contemporary Landscape – Expandability of Space, Kortil Gallery, „A Critic Selects“ – project by HDLU Rijeka

2009 - Croatia, Zagreb, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department of Prints and Graphics, Croatian Prints Triennial

2010 - Portugal, Biennial international de gravura Portugal, Douro 2010;

Japan, Kyoto, The 6th KIWA Exhibition

2011 - China, 3rd Guanlan international print biennial, (Shenzen)

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Otisci, utisci, gallery Collegium Artisticum

2012 - Croatia, Rijeka, The print exhibition of department of printmaking, gallery Mali Salon

Croatia, Croatia, Zagreb, 6th Croatian Prints Triennial,

2013 - Croatia, Rijeka, MMSU,  Dinamyc space of Rijeka: The 50th Anniversary of Art education in Rijeka

2014 - Croatia, Zagreb, Institute of Contemporary Art, Croatian Landscape – Leveling Histories on an Imaginary Horizon

2015. Croatia, Split, Splitgraphic, International Graphic Art Biennial

2016. Litva, Vilnius,  Female Handwriting in Graphic Art, Vilniaus grafikos meno centras

Croatia, Zagreb, Croatian Triennial of Graphic Art, Kabinet Grafike

2017. Vietnam, Hanoi, Other side project: Memories 2, Gallery Huang Ngo

2018. Poland, Krakow, Triennial of Printmaking, SMTG

Croatia, 5th Triennial of Drawing, Kabinet Grafike


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